Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Weaving Wednesday

 Today my happy things are:

  • Two years ago I spoke to two other employees at work briefly about my SCA hobby.  Neither of them work there anymore.  Today I told someone else.  I believe I keep it private as a way of keeping work separate from my real life. Also, it is weird telling someone who knows nothing about the SCA that I am a Baroness in the SCA.  They thought it sounded neat and I'm happy someone knows.
  • They served breakfast at work again.  This time the pancakes and waffles had real maple syrup to go with them.  There was fruit and bacon too.  I skipped the bacon because it is seldom crisp enough for me.  The fruit was delicious.  Yes, I made the choice to have gluten today because of maple syrup goodness.
  • When I got home from work I noticed a single rosebud on the rose bush by the door.  My apologies for the blurry picture.

  • Today was my turn to pick Gideon up at school.  He told me that his second day was good and that there are two teachers that he really likes.  He is supposed to learn to play the ukulele this year and he is excited for that.
  • For Weaving Wednesday I got about an inch woven before it became time to get ready for sleep.  Ideally this will be finished by September 15th.  There are three more that haven't been started yet and won't be done by then.  Those champions will get IOU's this year.  My friend, Amy, is working on two others.  Hopefully at least five of the eight needed will get done before the event. I did two last year.

Currently reading: She's Come Undone, by Wally Lamb.

Finished listening to: Keep Moving, by Dick Van Dyke.

Started listening to: Golda Meir: The Life and Legacy, by Charles River Editors.

  • There is a new movie out based on Golda Meir and I realized I know nothing about this piece of time in history.  I'm educating myself.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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