Thursday, September 14, 2023

Voluntary Time Off

First, some information… there is an event this weekend that I might go to.  There is also the possibility of a hurricane.  These two things (individually or together) may make the internet problematic and I may not be able to post.  

Yesterday I wrote about the person who wanted to wear the same style shirt as me today to make it three days in a row.  They didn't. They chickened out.  Honestly, I don't think anyone noticed the first two days.  Here are some happy things from today:

  • Since I woke up early and became stressed about the event this coming weekend, I took the VTO offered at work.  I worked for about an hour before they let me go for the night.  I didn't expect it, we seemed busy.  Suddenly I had more time to get ready and felt better.
  • The weaving that I was hoping to finish for this weekend will not be done.  However, it wasn't coming out right and I didn't like it.  It turns out I made a mistake when I warped it.  That is fixed and I have started the band again.  It looks better already.  I got about three fingers wide woven to use so far.

  • After doing things around the house to get ready for the weekend, I went to DIY Craft & Thrift to help my daughter out.  I finally worked the register for a little while and learned more about that.  It has a touch screen that didn't like my touch.  She has been getting a lot of donations and was able to be productive on the floor while I tried to cover the register.

Currently reading: She's Come Undone, by Wally Lamb.

Currently listening to: Homage to Catalonia, by George Orwell.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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