Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Happy Pi Day

When I left to go to work very early this morning the rain had started turning to snow and the snow wasn't sticking to the ground yet. When I left work to come home there was perhaps three inches on my car and the snow was coming down fast. I left just before 9:00 AM, so about three hours early. Work itself went alright. We only processed packages going to where the expected snow totals were lower. Other happy things from today:

  • The drive home was not fun, but I made it home safely.
  • I have a problem with paper…as in I don't throw it away enough. Today Keziah went through some boxes and I watched (and helped) as paper parts of my life got disposed of. This is a good thing even if I find it overwhelming after a short time. This type of thing going out of my life is good.

  • Zed's mom made a blueberry muffin cake thing that was very delicious. I’m not sure if she knew that today was Pi Day. I’m happy that something pi shaped was made.

Obligatory picture of the snow fall around mid afternoon.

Currently listening to: Angela’s Ashes, by Frank McCourt

Currently reading: Camino Wandering, by Tara Marlow

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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