Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Ides of March

The photo memories that popped up today are reminding me of when I was trying to make hats. It makes me want to try again. Here are some happy things from today:

  • Last night the snow was pretty in the dark.

  • According to the internet, we got seventeen inches of snow with yesterday's storm. Other parts of the state got over three feet! Wow. I'm glad we didn't get that much and we had electricity the whole time.
  • I spent much of the afternoon sitting in a car repair shop waiting to find out why the car started sounding like it was falling apart. Keziah came to get me so we can leave the car for more work. I'm really happy that this didn't happen yesterday in the middle of the snowstorm or a few weeks ago when Keziah’s van was getting worked on.
  • Because it is the Ides of March I was greeted by a friend with “Happy stabby stabby day!” and Keziah got pizza from Little Caesars.  The silliness of my family and friends is a good thing.

Currently listening to: Angela’s Ashes, by Frank McCourt

Currently reading: Camino Wandering, by Tara Marlow

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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