Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Work Remembered

Happy things from Tuesday:

  • I survived my first ever rides using Lyft. For some reason both drivers' GPS wanted the house to be on the other side of the road.
  • The supervisor I spoke with last week not only was awesome about getting me the Lyft rides, she remembered to set me up to be trained in Problem Solve. I spent the whole shift learning about and solving problems at work. It was nice to be able to learn new things. This was probably the first full day I have worked since starting this job that I didn’t have my 10,000 step count finished when I left.
  • My grandson, Gideon, had his trial day at the school he is hoping to attend in the fall.  Currently he is homeschooled and this would place him in a Montessori school.  He really enjoyed it and was very excited to have had this opportunity to experience a day there.
  • The ice cream/sandwich shop across the street opened yesterday and Keziah and Zed got me my favorite, peppermint stick ice cream. It was how I treated myself after pacing to get my step count in.

Currently listening to: Angela’s Ashes, by Frank McCourt

Currently reading: Camino Wandering, by Tara Marlow

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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