Friday, March 3, 2023

Happy Simplify Your Life Day!

TF and I had a productive time in the new Minecraft realm. We finally have armor and feel so much safer now.  With the armor, TF survived being attacked by some skeletons.  We didn’t get quite enough iron to make armor for the other players, maybe another time. Other happy things for today:

  • Cheating was sort of involved, but I emptied one of my many boxes today. Part of it was put into another box because it was mostly more stationery items. Now there is one box with mostly stationery instead of two with some. My goal for Simplify Your Life Day was to empty one box and throw away at least one thing. Goal achieved.
Empty box!

  • Keziah’s van has been in the shop for the last few weeks. This morning Zed, Gideon, and I drove about an hour to pick it up. We are back to having two vehicles. Keziah is still in Texas, this makes getting her at the airport much easier for Zed.  I can still work while Zed picks her up. 
  •  The sun was out this morning and the porch warmed up so I checked on the seeds. The one marigold seedling is doing okay. I decided to plant more seeds in the dirt that I am pretty sure were disturbed by the cellar varmints. Still nothing sprouting from the geranium seeds. I have a feeling most of them were eaten since there seems to be a lot of holes. From the herb seeds that I just planted I only saw signs of one thing starting to sprout. It hasn't been that long though.

Currently listening to: The Geography of Bliss, by Eric Weiner

Currently reading: Camino Wandering, by Tara Marlow

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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