Thursday, March 2, 2023

Just Hanging...

Some happy things from today:

  • They served breakfast at work this morning. I didn't want any of the breakfast sandwiches but I had some of the nice fruit salad. It was yummy. I feel like the food was a consolation prize because the new equipment isn't ready as planned. 
  • While looking for something to watch I found a memory from when I was a little girl, Family Affair. In all honesty, I remembered very little about the program except that I would watch it and enjoy it. After watching the first two episodes today I can say that I still enjoy it. I wonder if I shed sentimental tears as a child the way I did as an adult?
  • I've just spent too much time thinking about a coat/clothes hanger. As I hung up a tee-shirt to dry I thought about this one hanger that I think I've had since I was a kid. It is still fairly shiny and new looking even though it could be around 50 years old. It is a good metal hanger. It is not flimsy like dry cleaner hangers or plastic which can break easily. Tonight, maybe because I'm tired, thinking about a hanger and all the clothes it has seen and still it holds on, made me happy.

Currently listening to: The Geography of Bliss, by Eric Weiner

Currently reading: Camino Wandering, by Tara Marlow

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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