Friday, March 24, 2023

Movies and Deep Thoughts

A few happy things and odd thoughts from today:

  • A few days ago I saw an article about movies and shows that were being removed from Netflix this month. Most of these shows I had never heard of, but a few I was interested in watching. Earlier this week I watched Labyrinth. It has been years since seeing that movie and it was a nice after work escape. Today I chose to watch a movie that was aimed at teens, The F**k-It List. It basically posed the question of what would you do if you had nothing to lose, no fear? I’m old… not a teenager or young twenty-something… that question is hard for me. Hard in that fear is too well established in my being to have a list like that. Not just fear, the reality of consequences is, well, real. Although I do wonder if I am afraid of being happy? Anyhow, I will stick to my bucket list, which already seems unattainable. It was a nice watch though.
  • One of the things Gideon, my grandson, is supposed to do for school every day is to write. Tonight at dinner he read a poem that he wrote today. He is quite good.
  • The only seedling that has made it so far is the one marigold. I’m happy that it is still doing okay.

Currently listening to: Angela’s Ashes, by Frank McCourt

Currently reading: Camino Wandering, by Tara Marlow

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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