Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Simple Things

There is new equipment up and running at work. Apparently today was day two and there were problems to work out, but today went better. I didn't get to work in that area though and know very little.
Happy things from today:

  • There was a beautiful full moon when I left for work in the middle of the night. With the snow it was very light outside.
  • There was some lovely bird song when I got home from work this afternoon. I didn't see what kind for sure, but at least some sounded like chickadees. 
  • After I ate, I was still hungry so I went looking through the pantry closet. I was pleasantly surprised to find vanilla meringues that I bought and forgot about last week. They were very good and melted in my mouth.

Tomorrow, March 8, 2023 is International Women's Day.

Currently listening to: The Geography of Bliss, by Eric Weiner

Currently reading: Camino Wandering, by Tara Marlow

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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