Friday, January 27, 2023

Birka Day One

There aren’t as many people at the event as in previous years, at least not yet. There are more people than I am used to though. So far I kept to myself a bunch and I am okay with that. I didn't even bother putting on my medieval garb.  Here are some happy things from today:

  • The day didn’t go off as planned. I forgot some things at home-most important was my wallet. It all turned out alright though and that is what I can be happy for.
  • At home, Winston tried to climb on my shoulder to get to my food.  Too funny!

  • I got to see some people I haven’t seen for a while and I got some quick hugs.
  • Keziah and I went to dinner with some other Baronages and got to know them better. It was a fun evening with them.
  • About half of the last band is done. Depending on my morning I am sure to get at least another quarter of it done, not sure about the rest though. Progress is good.

Currently listening to: The Awakening, by Nora Roberts

Currently reading: Fallen, by E Prybylski

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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