Tuesday, January 10, 2023


Here are a couple happy things from today:

  • A friend had a medical test today that they had to stay awake all night for. Since I am awake at work all night I got to send them messages during my breaks. It was a happy change of pace from my normal breaks.
  • Things have been busy lately so TF and I haven't been on the phone as much as usual.  I'm happy to say that we had a nice call today and were able to catch up.  
  • There is still more candy left from Christmas that I haven't finished. I've been trying to make it last. Today I savored the last of my Lindt Peppermint White Chocolate Truffles. They are so sweet and delicious.

Currently listening to: Practical Magic, by Alice Hoffman.

Currently reading: Ruby: Come by Chance Mail Order Brides, by Juliet James

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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