Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Weird Wednesday

It is going to be a weird one. I wasn't feeling well after work so I didn't accomplish much. Therefore, my happy things are a little different.

  • Indoor, modern plumbing is something that I am happy for. I have had friends that lived off grid for a while in upstate Vermont. No electricity or indoor plumbing. I couldn't do that in the winter…🥶
  • Ice packs and heat packs that help lessen the aches and pains. 😌
  • Belts, the kind that hold up my pants. I forgot to wear mine to work and it was missed, a lot. 🙃

Currently listening to: The Awakening, by Nora Roberts

Currently reading: Fallen, by E Prybylski

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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