Tuesday, January 31, 2023


Earlier this month I wrote about a person at work who wants to help me be less shy. Today we had a quick conversation of the general, ‘how are you doing,’ type. He asked me if I was happy. I told him I find something every day to be happy for. I didn’t tell him that today one of those happy things was that short conversation. Other happy things from today:

  • Gideon starts an art class today. I am excited and happy for him. 
  • I finished watching the movie Tangled this afternoon. Without giving anything away, there was a part near the end that made me happy. Part of me was also a little shocked, but I could see where they were going with the storyline so I am okay with it.
Winston on the move.

Currently listening to: The Awakening, by Nora Roberts

Currently reading: Fallen, by E Prybylski

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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