Wednesday, January 11, 2023


Here are some happy things from today:

  • Two people came up to me at work, separately, to ask me about the Learning Ambassador position that I didn't get and tell me that I should have. It feels good.
  • Keziah has put her gown together and is working on the hand sewing. It looks lovely.

  • Gideon got a Bumper Drone for Christmas and was flying it around the living room today. It blows the air down and chills the room.  The bumpers are fun to tap to change the direction of the drone. Keziah suggested that it might be a good way to get any cobwebs off the ceiling or stay cool in the summertime!

Looking up at the drone.

Currently listening to: Practical Magic, by Alice Hoffman.

Finished reading: Ruby: Come by Chance Mail Order Brides, by Juliet James
    I also started reading the sample of the next book, Emily, but have not purchased it.

Started reading: Fallen, by E Prybylski

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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