Thursday, January 12, 2023

Comfort Food

Some Thursday happy things:

  • It was a snowy ride home from work today. When I got home I pulled out a can of tomato soup to have for my midday meal. What goes well with tomato soup? Grilled cheese sandwiches. I like mine with plain old American cheese… we were out. Thankfully, Keziah saved the day. She was already out on an errand and brought home some American cheese so I could have a comfort meal. Yay! It was just what I needed on a cold, snowy day.
  • Many people like hot cocoa. It too is a comfort food. I have a sensitivity to caffeine and can't do chocolate. One of the wonderful things that my protege found and got me for Christmas was hot white chocolate. That made my warm comfort food meal complete today.

  • After my Thursday afternoon nap, the family had dinner and watched the final episode of this season’s Willow. We all enjoyed this show and are hopeful that there will be a season two.

Currently listening to: Practical Magic, by Alice Hoffman.

Started reading: Fallen, by E Prybylski

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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