Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Weaving Wednesday

Some happy things for today:

  • If you read my blog regularly, you may recall that I applied for a different position where I work. I didn't get it. They had 40 people apply and not that many positions open. I was told that I would be put on the fast track to learn Problem Solve, so that is good and kind of what I really wanted.
  • I came home to my daughter, Keziah, busy rearranging the hallway where one of the cat's litter boxes is. It was once an area that was hard to keep organized, but should be much easier now. She is using an old cabinet to store things, including the litter box. She cut a hole in the side for the cats to go in and out. Cat supplies and treats are on top.
I wasn't fast enough to get all of Nanni in the picture.

  • Thirty plus minutes of weaving and I have the 'A.S.' done. Tomorrow I will start weaving the Roman numerals. This week, every day is Weaving Wednesday.

Currently listening to: Practical Magic, by Alice Hoffman.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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