Friday, January 6, 2023

Internet Trails

The internet gives us so much information after just a few clicks on the keyboard. There are answers to so many questions. Gideon and Zed have been watching the original Zorro TV show. Zorro was played by the actor Guy Williams. It turns out that Mr. Williams was also the father in the TV show Lost in Space from 1965. And that is why we watched the first episode of Lost in Space on Amazon Prime tonight. The robot makes me laugh. Other happy things from today:

  • I managed to weave for a little over an hour this morning as planned. I am over half way through with this band.

  • Keziah, Gideon, and I spent most of the afternoon at the studio. I did very little aside from help Keziah occasionally with pinning things and I had a nice nap.
  • It snowed. Not much, but I am pleased to say that it looked pretty coming down. This is the first winter that I remember not wanting. Perhaps it is just selective memory. Seeing the beauty in the falling snow seems like a good sign for me.

Snow falling outside the window.

Currently listening to: Practical Magic, by Alice Hoffman.

Currently reading Ruby: Come by Chance Mail Order Brides, by Juliet James
--This is not a book I don’t remember putting on my Kindle, but it was there so I started reading it when I couldn’t get to sleep last night.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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