Thursday, January 19, 2023


Last night I dreamed of green grass and flowers coming up through patches of snow. The flowers were beautiful and nameless in yellow, purple, blue, and pink. The purple and yellow ones were very vibrant in the dream.  I thought of these small flowers off and on throughout the day. Color is a wonderful thing. Other happy things from today include:

  • Popcorn was served during lunch break. This salty snack was just what my appetite appreciated at work.
  • I was able to leave work early today which meant that I had time to go to the studio with Keziah and Gideon. There is a chemise that I have been close to finishing and I was hoping to today. Unfortunately, it is just a little too small and so I am redoing some of the seams to hopefully make up the difference. This means that it may not be ready to wear by next weekend. The good news is that I am accepting that and moving on. I may still try to finish it, but weaving has to come first.
  • Keziah worked on a bunch of pottery last year and much of it was finished and out of the kiln.  She has learned so much and done so well with the pottery classes.  

  • After doing some vague math I figure I have six to eight hours of weaving to do and hope to accomplish that by Monday. I got a good start today.

Currently listening to: The Awakening, by Nora Roberts

Currently reading: Fallen, by E Prybylski

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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