Saturday, January 28, 2023

Birka Day Two

It was a busy day. I woke up early and did some weaving. It wasn’t enough though and never had time to get back to it. I’ll do my best to finish the bands up in the next week or so. I feel like the pressure is off and I can stop stress weaving. Other happy things from today:

  • There were approximately 1200 people at the event today and the vast majority of them wore masks. It made me feel just a little safer and hopefully there will be less illness after the event. There always seems to be some kind of cold or flu that people bring home after the Birka event. 
  • Keziah and I were able to spend some time in the merchant hall and see the lovely things that were in the arts and sciences display. 
  • We had a small group of people that were at their first event that we talked with about the SCA. 
  • There is a fashion show that has a different theme each time. This year I think the theme was mythical creatures. People were very creative. My favorite was a group of teens who put together costumes to show the seven deadly sins. Each of the seven teens had a sin that they found a way to portray. 
  • Deserving people were recognized for the wonderful things they do at the court in the evening.
Here are some pictures from the event:

Currently listening to: The Awakening, by Nora Roberts

Currently reading: Fallen, by E Prybylski

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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