Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Back to Work

Today’s happy things:

  • Somehow, even with not enough sleep, I made it through my first-work-night-after-vacation. Not only did I work my full shift, I stayed about 20 minutes late to help finish up some work because it was a busy night and I think we were a little short staffed. I’m not sure where I pulled the energy from.
  • It was good to see some of the people from work. They still don’t know about the SCA and things I do on my weekends and vacation.
  • After work I went and visited Keziah at her new store. She is open for donations this week (Facebook Link). Things are moving along and it is starting to look like a store. There are empty shelves, but things just haven’t been put out yet.


Things to sort.

The Door

Currently reading: She's Come Undone, by Wally Lamb.

Currently listening to: Witch Child, by Celia Rees.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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