Sunday, August 13, 2023


Happy things from today:

  • We saw from the highway the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering. Keziah noted that it was a rather large building. I thought that it was funny for nanoscale to be in a large building.
  • It was a long ride home today in a car without a working air conditioner. We kept going with music, conversation, and the scenery. One thing that Keziah commented on was how wonderful it is that states seem to be encouraging wild flower growth along the highways. She wondered aloud who thought of it. I suggested that Lady Bird Johnson may have been an inspiration. It was my understanding that she is why the Texas Bluebonnet is planted along the highways in Texas. Now that I am home I've done a little online research. It seems that Texas had the wildflowers growing along the highways in the 1930's. Anyway, the Highway Beautification Act of 1965 (under Lyndon B. Johnson) was a start for the rest of the country. It doesn't completely explain the recent blooming of flowers along the highways compared to when Keziah or I were growing up. It is still delightful to see.
  • It used to surprise me that I would see leaves starting to turn on my ride home from Pennsic, now I look for them.  Autumn is coming.
  • We traveled a ways on some back roads because of some traffic. The areas were pretty and there was more shade than the highway. There were also some parachutes that we saw coming down.
  • We arrived home just after six this afternoon. It is so nice to be home. I'm looking forward to sleeping in my own bed. The cats seem to have forgiven us. Nanni took a little bit to forgive me, but she seems fine now. Winston seldom comes to me, and didn't today. He was all over Keziah though.

Blue sky ahead.

Orange foliage.

Big cloud




Currently reading: She's Come Undone, by Wally Lamb.

Thank you for being part of my happy things.  Stay safe.

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