Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Pennsic Full Day Ten

Happy Monday things:

  • This morning I went to shoot archery with friends. There were three different types of shoots. One was the castle "window" where the goal is to get the arrow into the window. There was also a serpent in the window. Getting the arrow into the window scored one point and hitting the serpent was worth two points. We could shoot up to thirty arrows for each shoot. I scored 23 points at the window shoot. The second shoot was an advancing mummies shoot. The closest mummy was at about 15 yards and was worth one point. There were four mummies, each about another ten yards farther beyond the one previous and each worth one more point. If you hit the farthest target it would be four points. I only shot at the closest target mummy and scored 23 with my 30 arrows. The last shoot was a clout shoot so the target was 100 yards away. Landing an arrow inside the wall was worth three points and hitting the obolisk in the center was worth four points. My first two rounds (12 arrows) I scored zero. I finally found the inside on the third round with one of my arrows. On my last round I hit the obelisk. It was a great feeling.  I scored 19 points on the clout shoot.
  • In the evening Keziah and I attended the Runnymede dinner. Runnymede is a group containing all of the landed barons and baronesses in the East Kingdom. It was a really nice dinner. There was even entertainment. Firedancers came to perform after the dinner feast.
  • By the time we got back to camp it was starting to get late. Keziah went to bed. Just as I was thinking of doing the same someone came to visit. I ended up having nice visits with a handful of different people and staying up late. The visits were worth the late night.


Right between the eyes

The clout in the distance.

The clout, closer.

My arrow, in the clout, where the points happen.

The obelisk with my arrow.


Currently reading: She's Come Undone, by Wally Lamb.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

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