Thursday, August 3, 2023

Pennsic Full Day Six

Today's happy things:

  • As a temporary city that practices martial activities, Pennsic has EMS on site. Keziah ended up there today because of heat exhaustion. She is fine now and will be more careful going forward.
  • So far I've managed to get enough rest during the day. I expect things to pick up going forward. I'm thankful for the rest I've been able to get so far.  
  • There was a problem with the hot water heater today, while someone was taking a shower. After fiddling with it for a bit, I decided to talk nice to it. I said something like, "Come on, nice water heater, you've been working so well. Please keep going, we like you." It worked. The camp is being told to talk nice to the heater now so we don't have to take cold showers.
  • It is really nice to look up at the stars at night. I see them at home before going to work but don't have time to just look. I enjoy taking the time to just look.
I've been forgetting to take pictures.  Here are two I got today:


The light and shadow it casts in the tent.


Currently reading: She's Come Undone, by Wally Lamb.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

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