Wednesday, August 23, 2023


Happy things from today:

  • Sleep is a wondrous thing. Today was so much better than yesterday. Work was good. They served waffles at mealtime.  Other than occasional mechanical difficulties with the equipment, it was a good day.
  • At home I practiced on DuoLingo reaching a 1700 day streak. In all honesty, they have streak freezes that maintain a streak when a day is missed and I have used a few of them. For reaching this milestone I am getting three days of premium DuoLingo for free.

  • It has been a while since I wandered the property. I only went to areas just outside the top driveway where things are overgrown and found three flowering plants.  I'm sure I'll get to the other twelve-ish acres at some point, but not today.  If I didn't already know what the flowers were, I used the Lens app to identify them.
Rabbit Tobacco

Platycodon grandiflorus or Chinese bellflower.

Hedge bindweed.

Currently reading: She's Come Undone, by Wally Lamb.

Currently listening to: Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking, by Susan Cain.
  • I have listened to this before and started reading it in the spring. I thought I would be able to finish it faster by listening to it and finally have my turn to borrow it through Libby.
Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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Happy things from this last day of 2023: Yesterday I did the laundry for the rest of the family. Then, I started on the towels. Today this...