Friday, August 18, 2023


Some happy things for today:

  • A good part of my morning I let myself be distracted by phone games and reading. Oddly enough, I think it ended up being just the right amount of time to motivate me for the day.
  • The rain was coming down heavily when I left the house this morning. My first stop was to see Keziah at the shop, just to see if the key to my post office box was in her car. It wasn’t. Thankfully, at the post office, the mail person was nice enough to get my mail and take my money to rent the box for another year.
  • By the time I got back to the shop the rain had ended. It wasn’t time for me to help Keziah yet though, I needed lunch. A quick walk to Teatotaller and I had a delicious Avo Stack. Yay yummy food and energy to help Keziah!
  • When I got back to the shop, my protege was there to help too. Three of us got a few of the bags and boxes of donations emptied and items put on the shelves. More donations came in while we were there. Things are coming together.
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Outside, the sun was bright.
  • Keziah got me a cool sticker.

  • To make up for yesterday’s ice cream mistake, Zed got me a replacement sundae after dinner. I can’t believe I ate the entire thing in one sitting!

  • I started weaving the band I will need by mid September.  I didn't get very far because of tension problems, but starting is good.  I think I fixed the problems with the tension too.

Currently reading: She's Come Undone, by Wally Lamb.

Currently listening to: Witch Child, by Celia Rees.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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