Monday, August 7, 2023

Pennsic Full Day Nine

Some happy things from today:

  • It is really nice to get back to camp just as the rain starts. It is also really nice that the tent doesn't leak.
  • There was a large Arts & Sciences display. I went and was almost immediately overwhelmed by the amount of people in this mostly indoor space. There are huge barn doors that were open that let in a lovely breeze on the many people. Thankfully, I found Zed. He and I looked at some of the displays together and that helped me to at least see some of the amazing craftsmanship and skill exhibited.
  • I'm enjoying getting to see some of the babies and small children that are here this year.
  • In the evening a friend and I went to see i Sebastiani, The Greatest Comedia del Arte Troupe in the Entire World. I performed with them a few times five years ago or so. There were a few new performers this year. They put on a really great show.
  • Our camp neighbors have a small cathedral.  They have been doing some lovely renovations this year.  The stained glass windows are beautiful.
  • Back at camp I met someone who used to play in the SCA 25 years ago or so and came just for the 50 year celebration.

Artisans at work in the market area.

Arts & Sciences

Arts & Sciences

i Sebastiani

The Cathedral

Inside the Cathedral


Currently reading: She's Come Undone, by Wally Lamb.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

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