Saturday, August 12, 2023

Goodbye Pennsic, Day Fifteen

 Some happy things from the final day of Pennsic and day to travel:

  • The rain came down hard last night with crashes of thunder and lightning.  We were in a different tent and mist came through the canvas on occasion.  We were still mostly dry and safe in the little tent we borrowed for the last night.
  • The weather in the morning was beautiful.  The sun was bright and dried things out nicely so that things could be packed.  Another storm was due to come around two in the afternoon and everyone was packed and out before then. 
  • We only drove a little over 300 miles today and stopped for a nice dinner and hotel.  Keziah and I will both feel better in the morning after sleeping in a bed and a building.  We have about another 300 miles to go and a stop to make tomorrow before getting home.
  • I saw two deer and seven (!) woodchucks along our route.  
  • When off the highway for a short time we came across Our Lady of Victoria National Shrine and Basilica.  It is an ornate building on the outside.  Pictures on the website show some of the inside.  I almost wish we had stopped to see if there were any tours available.
  • There were spectacular cloud formations from all the scattered storms in the area.  We missed them all while driving today.
  • In two weeks of camping I only pulled my laptop out once in the beginning to check on my bank account.  Opening it up to use at the hotel, it took me no less than a minute to find the power button!  😄

Empty camping area

Selfie when we crossed into NY.


The Basilica

More of the Basilica



Currently reading: She's Come Undone, by Wally Lamb.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

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