Saturday, August 5, 2023

Pennsic Full Day Eight

Some happy things from Pennsic:

  • In the middle of the day I might complain a little about the heat. In truth, it has been a very mild year. We have had the temperatures rise over 100, this year we haven't reached 90 so far.
  • This morning I took the time to sew my hair up. I'm hoping it will last a few days.
  • Today was the official start of the war. This year is being called a year with no enemies and it is being viewed more as a friendly competition rather than a war. Before the Opening Ceremonies all the groups gather to process into the ceremonies. Some people from Stonemarche, that camp in other areas, came to join us for the procession. It was great to see them. A friend was nice enough to take a picture.
  • Opening Ceremonies consists mostly of everyone processing in. It takes a long time. Then the kings and queens speak about the war and declare which side they are competing on. Apparently, the East is outnumbered this year. I plan to shoot archery to do my part to support the East in this friendly competition.


Currently reading: She's Come Undone, by Wally Lamb.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

1 comment:

  1. Your hair looks amazing! I need to learn how to do that.



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