Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Pennsic Full Day Four

Pennsic Full Day Four happy things:

  • My back has been bothering me since before I got to Pennsic and sleeping on a cot does not help. A friend loaned me a memory foam mattress and I had a nice nap with it this afternoon. I'm looking forward to a full night's sleep on it.
  • I took a walk to the campground store and got lunch. They have spinach rolls that are pretty good and I remembered them from last year.
  • Some friends and I walked to the battlefield after dark to see the hill. Every year they mow the Pennsic year number into the hill. Usually they use Roman numerals. This year is 50. Apparently the L was not easy to see and looked wrong so they put 50 up there instead. It is lit up at night and looks really nice.
  • The moon rose a bright orange. The "face" quite visible. Beautiful.


Currently reading: She's Come Undone, by Wally Lamb.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

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