Friday, August 11, 2023

Fourteenth Full-ish Day at Pennsic

Some happy things from today:

  • The final number of Pennsic attendees was 11,384. This number did not break any records that I know of. It was a good amount of people for the 50th Pennsic.
  • I wandered over to the archery range to look for a lost arrow. I didn't find it, but while standing and talking to people a friend gave me a short massage. Getting my back rubbed was wonderfully relaxing.
  • It was pack down day. Normally we would wait until Saturday, but it is supposed to rain. Things still didn't get packed away completely dry, but it will have to do. Keziah and I are borrowing someone else's small tent so it will fit into the Prius. Zed, Gideon, and the friend we drove out with have taken just about everything else and are on the long drive home.
  • Someone found a baby crayfish under their tent.
  • As I write this it is dark, Keziah and I have just come back from eating out at a restaurant, and there is a light rain with thunder and lightning. Music is playing and we are relaxing after the long day of packing.

Some pictures:

Tuchux driving to battle

Tuchux marching to battle




Currently reading: She's Come Undone, by Wally Lamb.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay Safe.

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