Sunday, October 15, 2023


 Some happy things from the Ides of October

  • There was archery practice today.  I didn't score as well as I was hoping, but I had fun and that is more important.

  • We were all a little distracted with our archery shooting today.  The Archery Marshall has a new poodle puppy.  He is cute and very soft.  They have only had him a few weeks so he still needs a bunch of training.  We all took turns shooting archery and watching the puppy so the puppy didn't chase the arrows.  😉 
Photo credit to Julian, our Archery Marshall
The puppy is far away in the background. 

  • The Inktober prompt today is Dagger.  I thought about attempting to draw a face with someone's eyes seemingly shooting daggers.  Then I decided that was above my pay grade.  🤣

Currently reading: She's Come Undone, by Wally Lamb.

Currently listening to: Dark Lord of Derkholm, by Diana Wynne Jones.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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