Tuesday, October 24, 2023


Some happy things from today:

  • Yesterday, after writing my blog, I bent over to pick up a glove that had fallen.  My back decided to not agree with that motion and I was able to crumple onto my bed.  This afternoon I saw my doctor and I will be taking some medication to help me feel better tonight.  I'm happy for modern medicine.
  • When the pain happened, I wanted to put an ice pack on but we didn't seem to have one (I don't like using vegetables).  Somewhere around 4 AM this morning I remembered that we have actual ice in the freezer and made an ice pack.  I think it is telling of my level of pain that I forgot the existence of an ice machine.  Ice helped SO MUCH.  I am thankful for man made ice, and that I can laugh at myself over the ice.
  • Keziah purchased some new harnesses for the cats.  They are indoor cats that have been wanting to go outside.  Winston took to the idea of going outside.  Nanni was disgruntled, even insulted by the harness,  and wouldn't go outside.  Nanni is not easily bribed by treats, and Winston is.  Fun cat times!


  • Shallow is the Inktober prompt.

Some more pictures from today:


Currently reading: Year of the Griffin, by Diana Wynne Jones. 

Thank you for being part of my happy things gs.  Stay safe.

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Happy things from this last day of 2023: Yesterday I did the laundry for the rest of the family. Then, I started on the towels. Today this...