Saturday, October 28, 2023


Happy things from today:

  • This morning I helped Keziah at the store by decorating the photo booth. I think I did okay.  The animatronics were leant to Keziah by her nice neighbor at the Candle Tree store.

  • Halloween Howl was long and I wasn't there the entire time (I had a meeting).  It was great to see the costumes.  Keziah gave out a huge amount of candy, stickers, and snacks.  I took some pictures at the photo booth for people.  One rather unique costume I saw was a washing machine.  One person had red contact lenses to make their costume that much more striking.
  • The Inktober prompt is Beast.  

  • The moon was lovely again tonight.  Here are some other pictures from today:

Sensory bin


Currently reading: Year of the Griffin, by Diana Wynne Jones. 

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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