Friday, October 13, 2023

Story Time

Happy Friday the 13th!

  • Both of my parents are gone, but today would have been their 67th wedding anniversary… if I have the year right… which I think I do.  I hope they are enjoying eternity together.
  • I know I have mentioned before that my mom used to work at Ames and Zayre department stores.  Keziah occasionally gets donations at her store with tags or in bags from these stores.  Both have been out of business for some time.  Today she found a notebook in a box of donations.  Many of the craft supplies that belonged to my mother will end up at Keziah’s store, but they haven't yet.  Anyhow, this notebook not only has a price tag on it from Zayre, it has my mother's name on it and a piece of paper inside has my niece's name on it all in my mom's handwriting.  This notebook used to belong to my mom and we don't know where it came from.  How weird is that?  I mean, I guess we must have somehow brought it there with other things, but neither of us remember doing so.  And how did it get into the middle of a box of donations?  Puzzling.
An Ames bag she found today.


  • Keziah asked me to do some sewing for her at the studio.  It has been a long time since I spent any time there.  I sewed a bunch of favors that she printed last week.  She will be giving them to the new SCA Queen of the East tomorrow.  It was good to spend some time at the studio.

  • At Keziah’s store we stayed late because she had her first private function.  She got what used to be the pharmacy cleaned up and a group from Kimball Jenkins School of Art met there and did some artsy things.  They pulled stuff off the shelves and used them to create things.  Keziah and I took the time to stock shelves.  

Empty spots!

All filled up!

  • The Inktober prompt for today is Rise.

Currently reading: She's Come Undone, by Wally Lamb.

Currently listening to: Dark Lord of Derkholm, by Diana Wynne Jones.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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