Monday, October 16, 2023


Happy things from this Monday:

  • This morning I finally finished reading She's Come Undone.  Although it was a really good book, I don't recommend it.  Perhaps I should say that it comes with a warning.  Don't read it if you aren't prepared to read about a large amount of trauma.  The trauma and the 465 pages is why it took me so long to get through it.  I'm happy this book is behind me and that the end was positive. 
  • The rabbit hole this book created this morning led me to the band The Guess Who and its lead singer, Burton Cummings.  The title of the book is from The Guess Who song titled "Undun".  I found an interesting YouTube show, "The Vocalyst," which talked about the voice of Burton Cummings.  I love seeing how "The Vocalyst," Bethany Hickman, finds so much joy in the music she explores (yes, I watched another of the episodes). Then I found an entire show about the life of Burton Cummings. It was time consuming and I enjoyed it.
  • In the afternoon I had a nice walk at Livingston Park with some friends.  Great conversation, exercise, lovely views, and just a little bit of rain towards the end.  

  • The Inktober prompt for today is Angel.

Finished reading: She's Come Undone, by Wally Lamb.

Currently listening to: Dark Lord of Derkholm, by Diana Wynne Jones.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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