Wednesday, October 25, 2023


I stayed home from work again because I hadn't slept, my back needed the break, and I wasn't sure how I would react to the medications that the doctor put me on.  I'm planning on going to work tonight.  

Here are today's happy things:

  • From what I can tell I am having no negative side effects from the medications.  I don't think they are even making me tired.  They are definitely helping reduce the back pain.
  • Since I was home this morning I got to see Gideon with his wacky hair for Spirit Week at school.  Just having green hair isn't wacky enough. 

  • I had energy this morning.  One of the things I got done was to replace nails with hooks in my closet.  The nails weren't enough for the heavy bags I have.  My energy was enough that I had to make a point of sitting down to ice my back.  I don't need to feel so good that I make it worse.


  • The sumac trees are a bright shade of red. 

  • Dangerous is the Inktober prompt for today. 


Currently reading: Year of the Griffin, by Diana Wynne Jones. 

Thank you for being part of my happy things.  Stay safe.

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