Saturday, October 28, 2023


Happy Saturday things:

  • Today we celebrated the 36th anniversary of the Barony of Stonemarche. On October 3, 1987 the SCA groups in New Hampshire became a Barony. I was the only person at today’s event that also participated at the event in 1987. This became a bit of a joke today.
  • We held two champions competitions today, one for Thrown Weapons, and one for Arts & Sciences. It was a good day to be outside watching the people throw weapons. When it started to get a little chilly, it was time to go inside and judge the A&S competition. Congratulations to the new Champions.
  • The event was held in Lincoln, NH close to mountains. The drive to get there and the location were beautiful. All of today’s pictures are below.
  • Sparkle is the Inktober prompt today.

Currently reading: Year of the Griffin, by Diana Wynne Jones.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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