Thursday, October 26, 2023


Going to work last night proved to be a mistake.  I ended up leaving early.  I spent most of the day after that in bed.  I am not in a significant amount of pain but I had broken sleep most of the day.  I've been up for a few hours and am ready for more sleep already.  I'm thinking this is a side effect of the muscle relaxants that I just didn't experience when I first started taking them.  

Here are happy things from today:

  • When I left for work in the middle of the night there was a puffy layer of clouds between me and the moon.  It was beautiful and I tried to capture it with my phone camera.

  • As a family we went out to dinner.  It was a lovely, warm day outside apparently.  We ate outside on a deck and enjoyed the evening air, good food, and family time.  I took some pictures of Keziah’s store before dinner.  She is getting things ready for Halloween Howl Friday night.  It should be fun.
These little balls should look bigger tomorrow. 

  • The prompt for Inktober is Remove.  In the SCA, we call the different courses in a meal removes.  So the first remove might be chicken, veggies, and bread and the second remove might be beef, different veggies, and barley.  Usually, much more elaborate than that, but I hope, dear reader, you get the idea. What I tried to draw is someone preparing the next remove while someone is serving a remove, and someone eating.  I cut out the part with someone eating because I messed that up.

Currently reading: Year of the Griffin, by Diana Wynne Jones. 

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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Happy things from this last day of 2023: Yesterday I did the laundry for the rest of the family. Then, I started on the towels. Today this...