Monday, October 2, 2023


Today my happy things are:

  • It was my turn to drive the new car.  Keziah and I did some errands together so I had some guidance over some of the random buttons.  It is an enjoyable drive.  It has some beeping that I'll need to get used to.  An example would be getting closer to the drive-up than the car thought I should be.  It also let me know when the car in front of me advanced, and I didn't. 
  • Outside leaves are turning from green to lovely shades of red, orange, and yellow.

  • Keziah got some fabric today.  It has a name that isn't coming to me, but it has the sequins that look different depending on which way they are pet.  Keziah is going to make it into a petting board for the store.  It is something that will entertain young children.  The fabric was spread over the comfy sack and Nanni, our brown tabby, decided to check it out. After walking on it and sniffing a bit, she decided to find another place to relax.

  • Spiders are not my favorite thing.  I can appreciate that they have a use, but I don't particularly like them.   Today the prompt for Inktober is spider.  Again, I didn't take a lot of time or use ink.  I did try to make something more humorous than scary.  

Currently reading: She's Come Undone, by Wally Lamb.

Currently listening to: Homage to Catalonia, by George Orwell.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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