Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Flowery Tuesday

Some happy things from today:

  • On Friday Keziah and I will be meeting up with some family to plant geraniums on deceased family members' graves. Today I bought some geraniums to plant. I didn't used to like geraniums, but I like them now. Funny how things change. 

  • Last week I went to the studio and glazed the remaining piece of pottery that I missed when I took a class before Christmas. I got it back today. 

  •  Lilacs are blooming. When I was a kid, around five or six maybe, we lived in a house that had a row of lilacs along one side of it. I used to play in that space between the lilacs and the house. It was like a secret hideaway. Maybe that is why lilacs always seem special to me. 

  • Near the lilacs at the front of the house I saw a different flower. According to Lens it is honeysuckle.

Currently listening to: The Swiss Nurse, by Mario Escobar.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


  1. I have had the same change of heart towards geraniums. In my case, I think it's because they're the only thing I seem to be able to keep alive in my yard thanks to the fact that the critters mostly ignore them. Your pottery is such a beautiful blue! And your story about the lilacs made me remember finding a similar secret hideaway behind a forsythia bush by our house. 💖

    1. If you ever do pottery, --K, I think the color was called Floating Blue. <3



Happy things from this last day of 2023: Yesterday I did the laundry for the rest of the family. Then, I started on the towels. Today this...