Sunday, May 14, 2023

NH Renaissance Faire

Here are some happy things from my day at the NH Renaissance Faire:

  • There was once a pile of silk thread that misbehaved on a piece of weaving and got cut off. This pile was tangled but most of the pieces were still worth using for something. Off and on over the last few years (mostly off) I have been working at untangling the threads, sometimes I had help. Today the task was completed and a new project began.  I have started a kumihimo cord.

  • Many people came through our area and seemed interested in coming to SCA events.  One never knows how many will find the time and interest after a demo like this, but it is always good when new people join.

  • There is a friend that I was able to visit with for a short time at the Faire.  I have known him for over thirty years and it is wonderful to get to catch up with him, however briefly.

Currently listening to: The Swiss Nurse, by Mario Escobar.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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