Sunday, May 7, 2023

Home Again

Some happy things:

  • The event yesterday was over a two hour drive and we planned on staying at a hotel. I woke up super early and played games on my phone waiting for everyone else. It was a good, peaceful time.
  • A few steps outside with bare feet this morning and I wanted more. Unfortunately, by the time I got home I was exhausted. It was lovely while it lasted though.
  • Our first breakfast was a crescent roll with some cinnamon butter. It was delicious, but not enough so we picked up more on the drive home.

  • It was a beautiful day to be out for a Sunday drive.

  • The white lilacs at home are slowly starting to open.

Currently listening to: The Swiss Nurse, by Mario Escobar.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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