Saturday, May 6, 2023

Malagentia Test Kitchen

Some of today's happy things:

  • Some friends and I went to an SCA event in Maine today. The event was held at a state park and was themed around cooking over a fire. We didn't cook today but other friends did. There was a bunch of food served potluck style in the evening. It was a nice day filled with friends and food. I’m not a foodie and went mostly with things I know. My friends found some new things that they like though. I brought a basket of fruit to share.

While sitting and talking with folks I worked on untangling strings.  It used to be part of a weaving project and I am hoping to make it into a Kumihimo project.  This bit of string is all I have left to fix, the amount that is straightened is much bigger than what is left.


Currently listening to: The Swiss Nurse, by Mario Escobar.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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