Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Bye, Bye Parking Spot

Today's happy things:

The last day of the month meant that it was the last day that I got to use the parking space for being the Safety Committee Member of the Month. There was also an activity at work. They had a dunk tank that some of the managers sat in so that employees could throw a ball and dunk a manager. They also served hot dogs and hamburgers. All this was set up close enough to where my car was parked that I stuck around at work until almost everyone else had gone. It was that or ask everyone to move for me.  Safety first! It was fun watching the managers get dropped into the tank.

There are different types of irises by the shed. The yellow version is starting to bloom.  I think the other iris that hasn't bloomed yet will be smaller and purple.  That is my memory test for the day.  ;) 

Currently listening to: Revelations of Divine Love, by Julian of Norwich

Currently reading: Maybe You Should Talk to Someone, by Lori Gottlieb.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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