Sunday, May 21, 2023

Franklin Falls

A few happy things from today:

  • Today was a lovely day for a drive. I took some scenic roads I had never been on before and some I had.  I enjoyed the smell of lilacs and fresh cut grass. 
  • Eventually, I ended up finding Franklin Falls Recreational Area and took a walk over the Franklin Falls Dam. It was a bit windy and very pretty.   There seem to be a bunch of trails that I didn't take.  Perhaps I'll go and explore more another day.

  • When I got home I learned that Keziah had signed up with DoorDash. She and I spent an hour or so doing deliveries. I wish I could say that it went well, but on one delivery the bag broke and part of the delivery spilled. It was quite the learning experience. Keziah really enjoyed it (except for the spill).  She plans to continue doing this part time for now.

Currently listening to: The Librarian of Saint-Malo, by Mario Escobar.

Started reading: Maybe You Should Talk to Someone, by Lori Gottlieb.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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