Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Sweet Stuff

Some happy things from this Wednesday:

  • The book I've been listening to, The Swiss Nurse, sounded like a sappy romance from the title alone. The description had it as historical fiction and that is why I borrowed and read it. I learned a little about the Spanish Civil War and about parts of World War II that I didn't know before. I pretty much knew nothing about the Spanish Civil before, not even when it happened. I now have more interests…
  • After my meal today I was craving something sweet. Keziah didn't know this, but she knows me, and brought home a marshmallow cream filled doughnut with maple cream frosting. It hit the spot!

  • Nanni was asleep in the cutest position!

Finished listening to: The Swiss Nurse, by Mario Escobar.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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