Thursday, May 11, 2023


Some happy things:

  • Thursday is my day to be tired. I finish working for the week and come home, take a nap, and try to move to a more normal, daytime routine. There were things to do that shortened my nap today. It was still a good nap and I couldn’t have functioned in the afternoon without it.
  • There is a SCA demo happening at the NH Renaissance Faire this weekend that we are preparing for. We had to find all the pieces to the pavilion, and we did. There was concern that the ropes might have been separated from the rest of the tent, but thankfully, we found them in the bag under other parts.
  • Keziah and I had friends that helped with this. It was wonderful to get to see them for a bit and I am so thankful that we had their help in locating and packing things.
  • I took a moment to check out the newest tulip that has bloomed. It is a deep purple color and I can’t remember the name. I know I planted at least six of them, only one is blooming so far.

Currently listening to: The Swiss Nurse, by Mario Escobar.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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