Friday, May 26, 2023


Some happy things for this Friday:

  • The rest of the family has a cold.  I feel like I've put myself into a holding pattern waiting to come down with it.  So, it was a long day in which I did very little. I spent most of it binge watching Family Affair on the Roku channel.  I don't remember much about the shows from when I was little.  Watching the children grow up and remembering the time period is enjoyable.  
  • I did get out of the house and went on a drive to get my mail. This was good and gave me a lot of listening time with my book. 
  • Keziah is making steps at opening up a business.  One of those steps was to get a storage unit for the things she hopes to sell.  I'm so happy that she is working toward her dream.

  • I had a nice nap in the afternoon.
  • One of the irises is blooming.  I look forward to more opening up and being colorful soon.

Currently listening to: The Librarian of Saint-Malo, by Mario Escobar.

Currently reading: Maybe You Should Talk to Someone, by Lori Gottlieb.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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Happy things from this last day of 2023: Yesterday I did the laundry for the rest of the family. Then, I started on the towels. Today this...